Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Soft Skills employers look for Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Soft Skills employers look for - Essay Example Although I am confident I can work alone, I also know that I can be an asset to a team. I am capable of collaborating with other people to achieve a common goal. I also get along well with people so there will be no problems associating with the other team members. I have a positive attitude and I believe this can also help in motivating the team to feel good about the task we are working on. #3 – Attitude. I consider this the least of my strengths because I do not let this influence my performance at work. Nevertheless, I think of my attitude as a strength because at times it challenges me. For example, if I am having a bad day, I resist the temptation to give in and be short with everyone around me. I can easily blame my bad behavior to just being in a bad mood but I do not. Instead, I try and keep a professional attitude. This practice helps me accomplish my tasks at work. Moreover, it shows my colleagues that I am mature enough to limit how my attitude affects my performance and relationship with them. For my presentation skills, communication skills and leadership skills, I indeed have plans of developing myself in these areas. The most immediate one I would like to work on are my communication skills. I think being adept in communicating with people will help me advance in my studies, and consequently in the work environment. Right now, I believe I still need to improve my writing skills. Even though I can express myself well in spoken English, I still find it difficult to elaborate on my ideas when I do it on paper. In my opinion, a person can only be a fluent speaker if the individual is able to not only speak but write well. â€Å"Effective communication skills are the most basic building block when it comes to making sure things move forward.† (Noone, 2011) It is my belief that to be a productive employee or employer one should have sufficient communication skills to enable social and work interaction. This is

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