Monday, September 23, 2019

Does NY stop and frisk reduce crime Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Does NY stop and frisk reduce crime - Term Paper Example believe that the policy on â€Å"stop and frisk† has been quite effective in terms of reducing crime (Mac Donald, 2012). New York is not the only city that has tried to implement the â€Å"stop and frisk† policy. To make the criminals feel apprehended at the time of government election in 2008, the police department of Philadelphia also implemented the same policy. A couple of years after the Mayor’s election, the incidence of murder was significantly reduced by up to 22% (Lamberth, 2012). Answering the question â€Å"Does NY stop and frisk reduce crime?† is not easy to answer due to the fact that the real factor that could increase or decrease in the crime rate is very complex. Although Philadelphia mentioned that there was a 22% reduction in the number of reported murder, this figure does not necessarily mean that the process of implementing the â€Å"stop and frisk† policy was the root cause behind the decreasing trend in murder cases. In fact, Lamberth (2012) mentioned that the state of Philadelphia was already experiencing a decrease in the number of murder cases since 2006. Up to the present time, there is no scientific evidence that can prove that the process of implementing â€Å"stop and frisk† policy is effective in terms of reducing crime. The fact that the "black pedestrians were stopped at a rate that is 50 percent greater than their representation in the residential census" makes this policy develop racism and prejudism in New York (Neumeister, Hays, & Gross, 2012). Gardiner, S., & Saul, M. (2012, June 20). The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved July 22, 2012, from New Panel Examines Police Tactics : Lamberth, J. (2012). Retrieved July 22, 2012, from The Effectiveness of Stop and Frisk in the United States:

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