Thursday, September 26, 2019

An evaluation of ths social impact of tourism development in Essay

An evaluation of ths social impact of tourism development in manchester - Essay Example Tourism development starts with the construction of hotels, resorts, restaurants, shopping malls, beauty salons, maintenance of infrastructure, art galleries, museums, water parks and much more. Construction of all these spots is essential if any country wants to earn high revenues from the sector of tourism. Many countries have been famous for their tourism industry namely Rhodes island, France, Switzerland, Singapore, Manchester and Mauritius. In this paper our focus of discussion is Manchester. The tourist culture of Manchester offers tourists an opportunity to discover Manchester’s art and cultural scenes for which it has been and still is famous for. You can have an idea of its beauty and diverse culture scenes either by reading through different articles or by walking through the city. Most of the individuals visit this place because of its remarkable and endless and take with them unforgettable memories of their visit. Though, tourism industry is still going through dev elopment but then, that also serves as an additional aspect to its natural and incredible beauty. Positive and negative aspects of tourism: Tourism affects economy in many ways. Few of the positive aspects of tourism development on economy includes increase in employment, uplifting of economic growth, avoiding migration of local residents, helping in interchanging local products, ideas, costumes and developing a sense of conserving environment in local population as well as in tourists (web 1). Apart from this, visiting other countries helps in developing long term and cordial relations. It builds positive attitude and respect towards each other (Mirbabayev and Shagazatov, 2003). It also provides an opportunity to study and understand each other’s culture and traditions without destroying each other’s cultural heritage. It increases self-esteem of host country as well as of tourists and one attains psychological satisfaction through interaction. Apart from positive asp ects, tourism also affects economy negatively by increasing the consumption of ground, water and energy. Moreover, for the purpose of attracting more tourists huge attention might be paid to the development of new infrastructure that leads to the destruction of landscape (web 1). In addition to these, introduction of new species of plants and animals that might alter the ecosystem can be one of the reasons of tourism effecting economy adversely. Here, the focus of discussion is social impact of tourism development in Manchester. In order to analyze this topic in detail, semi structured interview was conducted, in which local residents were interviewed and the information collected helped researcher to probe into the minute details of the issue under study. Research strategy: Research strategy constitute of primary data collection and secondary data collection. For the purpose of carrying out this research, data was collected through primary source and the instrument used for data co llection is unstructured interview. Interview: An interview consisting of 15 questions was conducted in which local residents of Manchester were interviewed in order to evaluate their perception regarding social impact of tourism development in Manchester. Following are the questions that were asked from individuals: 1. What is your name, age and nationality? 2. To which income level you belong to? 3. For how long you have been living in

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