Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Personal Learning And Thinking Skills Education Essay

The challenge of capturing Black Marias and heads when sing the hereafter or when prosecuting in statistical analysis is best tackled through duologue so that students can see and joint their thought and instructors can tap in to their logical thinking. With this in head, possibly a better start point might be:‘In this country it may rain tomorrow or it may non, and yet the chance that it will rain tomorrow is by and large non 50 % – discuss and explicate your believing with grounds. ‘The outlook that pupils back up the value they choose for a chance with grounds gives them the chance to uncover their apprehension. This sort of concluding with grounds demands to be modelled through critical duologue between the instructor and the students. One manner to assist students develop the accomplishments of logical thinking and account is to work more often on the mental facets of managing informations including chance. Explicit links can be made between the managing informations rhythm and the manner we work with chance. There are utile analogues with the rhythm both in illustrations where we use an experiment to happen the estimation for a chance or where we solve a job utilizing theoretical chances. In add-on instructors need to be after for treatments which compare theoretical and experimental methods: their rightness, drawbacks and advantages in peculiar fortunes. It is clear that accomplishment in utilizing fractions, decimals and per centums as portion of a chance computation demand to be considered as a precursor to undertaking chance jobs. In the chief, nevertheless, advancement in chance depends mostly on understanding thoughts, instead than geting farther accomplishments. Finally, as chance is an rating of what might go on in future, it is of import to carefully take linguistic communication so that the event described is placed in the hereafter. For illustration, ‘What is the chance that I will hit 7 on two dies? ‘ makes more sense to pupils than, ‘What is the chance that I scored 7 when I rolled two die? ‘Key ProceduresRepresenting: If students can stand for informations as portion of a statistical question so they are better positioned to go responsible citizens who can choose and sift information thoughtfully and utilize mathematics with assurance to inform decision-making. Representation is a major focal poin t of Probability, of import in binding together the determinations students make at the different phases. In a statistical question, stand foring is portion of about all elements of the managing informations rhythm. It involves: Proposing a job to see utilizing Probability methods, bordering inquiries and raising speculations Deciding what informations are relevant and identifying primary or secondary beginnings Planing ways of capturing the required informations, including understating beginnings of prejudice Making representations of the informations, including the usage of ICT, for illustration, tabular matter, grouping, arrays, diagrams and graphs.Analysing:Mathematical logical thinking is required at all phases of happening the chance of an event When stipulating and planning by working logically, placing restraints and sing available techniques ; besides by researching speculations and utilizing cognition of related jobs When roll uping informations by working consistently, researching the effects of changing values in state of affairss where there is random or systematic fluctuation when processing and stand foring informations, doing connexions within mathematics and placing forms and relationships, and doing usage of feedback from different audiences when construing and discoursing consequences, explicating and warranting illations drawn from the informations, recognizing the restrictions of any restraints or premises made ; utilizing feedback to reevaluate initial speculations and adjust facets of the managing informations rhythm. Using appropriate processs involves pull stringsing informations into suited signifiers for accurate representation, computation and communicating. This will affect supervising the truth of methods and solutions. Appropriate processs in a Probability question are: utilizing systematic methods for roll uping informations from primary and secondary beginnings. To build tabular array, diagrams, etc to show informations in an organized signifier. Calculating experimental and theoretical chances. Interpreting and measuring: Interpretation and measuring consequences is cardinal to any statistical and chance question. It includes: construing chances when measuring the likeliness of a peculiar result comparing distributions and doing illations looking at informations to happen forms and exclusions sing the effects of alterations to the informations ( e.g. taking outliers, adding points, doing relative alterations ) appreciating why the readings placed on informations have a grade of uncertainness and can be misdirecting Appreciating converting statements, but cognizing that these do non represent cogent evidence. Communicating and reflecting: Effective communicating and contemplation is of peculiar relevancy in statistics. It includes: fixing a brief study of a Probability question, utilizing tabular arraies, tree diagrams, etc to summarize informations and support readings and illations drawn from the informations utilizing precise linguistic communication to summarize cardinal characteristics pertinent to the speculations raised showing support for decisions in a scope of convincing signifiers showing a balanced decision where consequences are non converting Sing alternate attacks if consequences do non supply sufficient groundsRange and content:All my four chapters begin with usage of an empty figure line, and develop the construct of puting events on a graduated table along this line. I would wish to observe that there is a wholly separate, but no less interesting, narrative environing the advantages of utilizing a figure line to assist pupils form cardinal apprehension of graduated table and an thought of topographic point. In old ages 7 and 8 there is an accent on the linguistic communication of chance ( as mentioned earlier ) , and evidently there is a differing degree of complexness to the inquiries covered in each book, but basically we see a go oning metaphor and consistent type of inquiry. The basic paradigms of picking cards from a battalion and rolled die are used in all three books, and we see a gradual displacement towards jobs with more than one variable. Until twelvemonth 9 there is accent on the fact that a chance graduat ed table runs from 0 to 1, and work continues on use of simple fractions, whilst the twelvemonth 9 book assumes such cognition and moves into sing comparative frequence therefore associating back to discernible statistics. This seems critical to me, as we need to promote the inquiring of, and trying to understand, consequences, and I would possibly hold liked it to hold been included earlier. Finally, in old ages 8 and 9 students are expected to do usage of sample infinite diagrams, therefore supplying another graphical word picture of the chances of given results. Give students a choice of statements on cards and inquire them to sequence on a chance continuum such as this Sequencing events harmonizing to their chance can reenforce the utility of the chance line every bit good as stimulating treatment about the comparative opportunity of different events. The chance of acquiring at least one six when two dies are thrown The chance of acquiring a multiple of 3 when one die is thrown The chance of acquiring a tail and two caputs when three coins are flippedImpossible Unlikely Likely Certain0 1 The undertaking gives pattern in measuring an consciousness of the results which are possible in each context. Students may take to cipher or may wish to exemplify some of the results. Either will assist to warrant their ranking of the events relative to one another. We are sometimes expected to appreciate the opportunity of one event relation to the opportunity of another, rather different event, for illustration, ‘You are more likely to decease traversing the route thanaˆÂ ¦ ‘ Matching Associating different fortunes to a given chance is an activity based around the figure and coloring material of otherwise indistinguishable counters in a bag. This engages students in working out the possible figure and scope of colors of counters in a bag given a certain chance such as those shown below. Initially the work is in braces traveling to larger groups to portion thought. P ( Red ) = A? P ( Red ) = 1/2 and P ( Blue ) = A? P ( Red ) = 1/2 and P ( Blue ) = 1/4 P ( Blue ) = P ( Green ) P ( Blue ) = P ( Red ) and P ( Green ) = 1/2 P ( Red or Green ) = 2/5 P ( Yellow ) = 1/2 and there are 6 ruddy counters P ( Red ) = 3/7 and P ( Green ) = 1/3 P ( Green ) = 1/4 and there are at least 8 xanthous counters Together students should seek to happen as many ways as they can of reacting to the undertaking, discoursing consequences as a whole category with students taking on a critical function to spot similarities and differences between the solutions and to infer the of import characteristics of the counters in the bag in order to fulfill the given chance. In other words, the joint thought gives them the chance to generalize the solutions. To simplify the undertaking, the figure of possible colorss could be limited. To widen it, see giving the chance of an event non happening, for illustration P ( non Red ) = A? P ( Pink ) = 1/5 and there are 4 different colorss Which chair: trees to grouping subdivisions. This is a simple scenario which produces some unexpected consequences and so promotes farther believing about ciphering combinations of results. One student sits on the in-between chair of a row of seven: an indifferent coin is flipped a caput means move one chair to the left a tail means move one chair to the right. Repeat the procedure twice more. Pupils work in braces to reply the inquiry: How many of the chairs is it possible to complete on after the three somersaults of the coin? A ‘tree diagram ‘ could be used to construct on the motion and visual image to place all possible sets of motion. It is interesting to discourse with students how the two signifiers of diagram both illustrate different facets of the job ; see Resource sheet: Which chair? on page 67. The ability to happen and enter all possible results for consecutive events or a combination of two or more experiments is indispensable if students are to understand, happen and utilize chances or estimations for chances in more complex state of affairssUsing a chance factTwo bags A and B contain indistinguishable coloured regular hexahedrons. Each bag has the same figure of regular hexahedrons in it. An experiment consists of taking one regular hexahedron from the bag. The chance of taking a ruddy regular hexahedron from bag A is 0.5. The chance of taking a ruddy regular hexahedron from bag B is 0.2. All the regular hexahedrons are put in an empty new bag. What is the chance of taking a ruddy regular hexahedron out of the new bag? Students should separately compose down a ‘gut ‘ response and so compare their replies in little groups. The usage of specific illustrations to reply the above will be utile but students need to portion these and be encouraged to generalize. What happens if the chance of picking a ruddy regular hexahedron is the same for both bags? What happens if you change the chance of picking a ruddy regular hexahedron from each bag? What happens if you change the figure of ruddy regular hexahedrons in one bag? In both bags? All phases of this job demand that pupils place the facts environing a state of affairs. It has the possible to uncover misconceptions around chances of related events and offers the chance to generalize an result where the intuitive response is frequently wrong.Personal Learning and Thinking Skills ( PLTS ) :The Leading in larning programme has been developed as portion of the National Strategies Secondary support for whole-school betterment. My strategy of work is intentionally structured so that students look beyond capable confines to believing and larning more by and large. There is a focal point on specific believing abilities and to promote systematic development of believing accomplishments and transportation of larning across topics and to other facets of students ‘ lives. A cardinal apprehension of chance makes it likely to understand everything from bowling norms in cricket to the conditions study or your opportunities of being affected by snow! Probability is a important country in mathematics because the chance of Particular events go oning or non go oning can be critical to us in the existent universe. Today the Probability theory used to do intelligent determinations in economic sciences, Management, Operation Research, Sociology, Psychology, Astronomy, Physics, Engineering, and Genetics where hazards and uncertainness are involved to pull a decision about the likeliness of events or values. Here are given some illustrations of chance: – What are the opportunities that England Cricket squad will win the series? A A What is the Probability that it will rain tomorrow? What is the chance about stableness in Gas monetary values in following month? Planing for inclusion: Show how your strategy of work programs for inclusionvitamin E ) AppraisalWith Increased attending being paid to the consequences of national trial and external scrutiny statistics being published to measure the public presentation of schools, the possible value of appraisal for student is frequently overlooked. All excessively frequently assessment is seen as an impersonal, formal procedure which is done to students. Their advancement is measured, attributed a class or mark, and this is so reported to others the appraisal procedure appears to hold small value for the pupils themselves. However, if appraisal is to heighten larning so its formative intents must be emphasized. The students need to appreciate how the appraisal may lend to their acquisition and go involved in moving on the information which the appraisal has provided. My chief concern in measuring my students ‘ acquisition was the advancement of my efficaciousness in learning the subject. My appraisal, hence, needed to be effectual and consistent with the outlooks of student acquisition. Therefore Is have chosen formative appraisal as this would better kids ‘s acquisition. â€Å" The alone characteristic of formative appraisal is that the assessment information is used by both teacher and students to amend their work in order to do it more efficient. There is small point in roll uping information unless it can be acted upon, and since assessment information is certain to uncover heterogeneousness in the acquisition demands of a category, the action needed must include some signifier of differentiated instruction. † ( Professor Paul Black, 1995 ) My formative appraisal of my students ‘ advancement would include: Appraisal of descriptions and accounts given by students in both unwritten and written work. The medium for this appraisal would include mental maths, inquiries in category, category exercisings, prep and Plenary. Homework was set every Friday and collected in on Monday. As Tanner and Jones reference â€Å" Teachers appraisal of pupils work is basically an on-going and informal activity dwelling of inquiring inquiries, detecting activities or measuring advancement. For such appraisal to be formative there must be feedback into the learning procedure. † Therefore all the prep books were marked and given feedback on: A class, harmonizing to schools prep marker policy A general remark ( e.g. ‘untidy work ‘ ) An direction ( e.g. , ‘show your workings ‘ ) A specific marks which indicates what needs to be done following in order to better ( e.g. , ‘revise your 8x tabular array ‘ ; ) Correction of mistakes ( e.g. , in computation, spelling, method ) 2. Appraisals of single ‘s public presentation in pair/group work or whole category activities or treatment. This would be assessed harmonizing to: a ) Shared communicating which reflects student ‘s assurance with chance B ) Understanding of the job which reflects on the degree of the work ( utilizing traffic light signal ) degree Celsius ) Working on undertaking – which may be subjective by the propensity of my activities vitamin D ) Communication – utilizing linguistic communication of chance vitamin E ) Attitudes – which may be influenced by the context of the job The model for my formative appraisal was based on appraisal schemes adopted by the APU. I had considered merely those schemes which I thought would reassign easy into the schoolroom for naming or measuring the accomplishment of single students.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Clothing, Handbags and Jewelry Industries in the Us

Clothing Accessories * The global clothing accessories industry is worth close to $16. 5 billion, according to research from Packaged Facts. During the economic recession, many consumers opted to buy accessories instead of more expensive items of clothing(Accessories can be sold even in recession). Spending patterns concerning accessories are slightly different than clothing purchases as accessories are often bought on impulse or as add-on purchases. The world clothing accessories market is expected to exceed $20 billion by 2012.The global clothing accessories market is expected to see growth resume in the post recession period. Consumer confidence is recovering from the lows of the economic recession, with shoppers more willing to splash out on luxury and non-essential items. As consumers become increasingly conscious about the environment, demand for environmentally friendly luggage will rise(focus more on environmental friendly products, could also be used as a marketing strategy) . Handbags This U. S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing women's handbags and purses of any material (except precious metal).This 6-digit NAICS industry (316992) is under the hierarchy of Other Leather and Allied Product Manufacturing Industry (31699), Leather and Allied Product Manufacturing Subsector (316), and the Manufacturing Sector (31-33). Revenue, Profitability ; Foreign Trade Preview The industry's revenue for the year 2010 was approximately $351. 1 million USD, with an estimated gross profit of 51. 29%. Import was valued at $2. 3 billion USD from 111 countries. The industry also exported $256. 2 million USD worth of merchandise to 117 countries.Adding import value to and subtracting export value from the industry's shipment value, the total domestic demand for the industry in 2010 was $2. 4 billion USD. (This could be the biggest market for sale) Jewelry 1) Costume jewelry is considered a discrete category of fashion accessory, and display s many characteristics of a self-contained industry. Costume jewelry manufacturers are located throughout the world, with a particular concentration in parts of China and India, where entire city-wide and region-wide economies are dominated by the trade of these goods.There has been considerable controversy in the United States and elsewhere about the lack of regulations in the manufacture of such jewelry—these range from human rights issues surrounding the treatment of labor, to the use of manufacturing processes in which small, but potentially harmful, amounts of toxic metals are added during production. (lot of cadmium found) As part of the supply chain, wholesalers in the United States and other nations purchase costume jewelry from manufacturers and typically import or export it to wholesale distributors and suppliers who deal directly with retailers.Wholesale costume jewelry merchants would traditionally seek out new suppliers at trade shows. As the Internet has become increasingly important in global trade, the trade-show model has changed. Retailers can now select from a large number of wholesalers with sites on the World Wide Web. Some of these sites also market directly to consumers, who can purchase costume jewelry at greatly reduced prices. Some of these sites include fashion jewelry as a separate category, while some use this term in favor of costume jewelry.The trend of jewelry-making at home by hobbyists for personal enjoyment or for sale on sites like Etsy has resulted in the common practice of buying wholesale costume jewelry in bulk and using it for parts. 2) World costume jewelry market stands enthused by the increasing emphasis laid down by consumers on fashion and style(most important for the attraction of the customers). Demand for costume jewelry and fashion accessories, such as, rings, earrings, bracelets, bangles, lockets, and brooches, is waxing at a healthy pace, driven largely by consumer preference for affordable, yet fashio nable jewelry.Costume jewelry has tailored looks and styles borrowed from fine jewelry. However, updated impressions of these are needed to supplement and accessorize the latest apparel from couture houses and the fashion industry. Fashions in costume jewelry are generally reflected in the ready-to-wear apparel and accessories industry. Given the relative inexpensiveness and affordability of costume jewelry, purchases are predominantly impulsive especially for the younger generation(could be one of the main target markets).Designing of costume jewelry is closely in line with the apparel market. Strong economic development in developing countries, rise in GDP, standards of living, and disposable incomes, are all factors fuelling the market's growth. Growing sophistication of consumer tastes(what exactly does the customer wants? ) in the developed markets is fingered as a key reason for sales gain in these markets. Design innovations from manufacturers and fashion designers are helpin g attract fashion-savvy consumers.Unique designs, durability, and high quality are all variables for product success in the marketplace. General idea about the market for jewelry Costume jewelry market worldwide is dominated by the United States with an estimated 32. 49% share in the year 2007, as stated by Global Industry Analysts, Inc. Asia-Pacific represents the fastest growing market, mirroring a projected CAGR of 6. 93% over the period 2000 to 2010. In the Necklaces, bracelets & chains market, sales are forecast to rise by US$3,853 million between the period 2007 to 2015.Global sales of Brooches, Pendants & Pins are projected to reach US$2. 0 billion by the year 2015. Ear Rings market in Asia-Pacific is forecast to grow at a robust CAGR of 9. 52% over the 2011 to 2015 period. Leading players operating in the global costume jewelry market include Avon Products Inc, Adrian Buckley Jewellery, DCK Concessions Ltd, H. Stern Com. & Ind. S. A, K&M Associates, The Colibri Group, Roman Research Inc. , and Swank Inc. (we could implement their strategies)

Monday, July 29, 2019

The Key Considerations When Developing International Business Literature review

The Key Considerations When Developing International Business - Literature review Example Hence, this leads us to the topic of â€Å"key considerations in developing an international business.† This work attempts to identify the extent in which prior literatures, especially the latest ones, have suggested on the importance or key considerations in putting up an international business. Using the internet and the online library resources, it has been identified that there are at least seven materials which appeared to be most relevant to the subject matter, the materials have also been reviewed and the most salient points have also been identified. This work limited itself to materials written within the last 5 years with the exception of one in which it was written in the year 1999 but appeared to be highly relevant to the subject matter. One important material on the subject matter is written by Beyer and Fening (2012). Beyer and Fening (2012) highlighted the importance of business strategy for success in the global market. However, they actually emphasized on the role that institutions play in shaping global business strategy. The authors pointed out for instance that one important consideration is whether the targeted country for expansion of the business implements and imposes restrictions on trade and commerce vis-à  -vis foreign nationals. Another important consideration is whether the potential market is saturated with government policies and regulations that restrict the businesses. One important material on the subject matter is written by Beyer.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Trade Relationship between Hong Kong and United States Essay

Trade Relationship between Hong Kong and United States - Essay Example The US removed the quotas on the on textile and apparel imports and besides that an agreement was signed in the year 2007 with the US, which were the Trade and Investment Agreement. The above agreements resulted in the United States becoming one of the major exporting countries for Vietnam and hence, any recessionary activity experienced in the US would have a great affect on Vietnam. The present recession has had a huge impact on Vietnam not only in terms of the fall in FDI levels but also due to the fall in exports and increased competition from the domestic producers of the United States. The trade relationship between Hong Kong and United States has been quite strong as the US has strong economic ties with this country. It has a number of bilateral trade agreements and the US exports to Hong Kong totaled 20. 7 billion while it is also one of the largest investors. Therefore, any recessionary activity would have a great impact on the Hong Kong trade activity and its exports particularly. b) The Hong Kong currency has been pegged to the United States dollar in the year 1939 and since then the currency has been pegged in this manner. It was done so in order to maintain a policy-defined relationship between the domestic currency and the foreign currency. However, the current recession has affected the Hong Kong currency in a deep manner due to this pegged currency as the country has had to sell a total of 7.8 billion Hong Kong dollars in order to maintain the peg. As a result, the monetary authorities have been seeking ways in order to remove this pegged relationship as it has been undermining the domestic currency. Even the recent rise in the Hong Kong's dollar has been due to the speculators betting on the revaluation. The Hong Kong government has had to intervene quite a lot in the recent pas tin order to maintain the peg by injecting huge amounts of the Hong Kong dollar. The pressure has been felt by the local economy in terms of the local inflation and the asset inflation which has created problems for the domestic economy. Therefore, the constant maintenance of the pegged rate is only worsening the situation for the domestic economy and hence, it would be beneficial to remove this method of maintaining a relationship between two nations. c) There are a number of measures which would have to be adopted by Vietnam in the near future for the betterment of its economy. It needs to control the inflation level while at the same time tackling the downward pressure on the currency. The GDP forecasted is amounted to be 6.9 percent which is actually down from the previous value of 7.3 percent of last year. The reasons for this have been the smaller levels of credit expansion and the lower level of consumption growth. Inflation is estimated to be around 23.3 percent while the dong is expected to depreciate slightly in 2008. The current account deficient will be expected to remain negative as well which shows an overall bleak picture of the forecasted economy.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Application of Concept Analysis to Clinical Practice Essay

Application of Concept Analysis to Clinical Practice - Essay Example Some of the concepts that are related to nursing are health, nursing, parenting, coping, and managed care. A concept analysis is thus the primary action in communicating variables such as meanings, understandings and feelings. A concept is usually considered to be a measurable variable in a hypothesis, assumption, or proposition. â€Å"Nursing has traditionally valued processes of concept analysis for the identification of concepts suitable for subsequent research and as a means to determine the appropriate methodologies for investigating the concept of interest† (Penrod & Hupcey, 2004, p. 403). Shaun M. Ryles in his article ‘a concept analysis of empowerment: its relationship to mental health nursing’ had used the evolutionary concept analysis of Rodgers by clarifying the concept of ‘empowerment’ and the concept comparison of Morse in which the meaning of competing concepts are clarified. â€Å"Empowerment is described by Gibson (1991) as a composit e of three factors: attributes that relate to the client; attributes that relate to the nurse; and those that relate to the client and nurse† (Ryder, 2001). The evolutionary concept is used to clarify the term empowerment and this is done through the analysis of the characteristics of the term empowerment. ... Empowerment as a concept aroused from the movements of political awareness of the late 1960’s and early 1970’s. The concept was used in the movement for raising the political awareness among the people of the community. Thus the term empowerment is used in this article so as to raise the self awareness among the nurses as a result of empowerment. Empowerment is thus considered to be important so that they are capable of recognizing and fulfilling their individual responsibility and become accountable. The political willingness of the nurses is found to be meagre and it is said to be the result of the circumstances like subservient and deferential culture in which the nursing had grown. The lack of empowerment may further lead to tension and conflict which will have negative impact on the health care environment. â€Å"From these characteristics one can suggest that as a means of unifying the concept, empowerment can be seen as having a continuum that begins with an awa reness of something tangible, usually a deficit, and then proceeds to a point at which the actors feel this has been corrected† (Ryles, 1999, p. 602). Based on the literature, author divided the concept of empowerment into two models: Psychological model and community or political model. The psychological model is related to the humanistic approach to nursing practice giving emphasis to self-awareness and personal growth. The psychological model gives the path to the empowerment through the relationships. Thus it is related to the closeness of the people. The political model which is influenced by the humanistic perspective gives emphasis to the concept of synergy. The political model gives importance to the development of political consciousness. It is been made clear that the

Why the Bonfire of the Vanities Flopped Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Why the Bonfire of the Vanities Flopped - Essay Example The researcher states that with all of the positive factors that the film had going for it, like an excellent cast in securing Bruce Willis and Tom Hanks, and a screenplay based on a bestselling novel, as well as Christmas day opening, it is undeniable that the film had garnered the necessary anticipation. The only real explanation for the film’s outcome is the unsatisfactory direction of Brian De Palma, and it’s the most believable considering his track record in Hollywood. The only way to truly narrow down all of the possibilities of why this film was such a flop at the Box office is to rationally view all of the contributing factors and then make a sound judgment as to which one is most likely the cause of the film’s failure. In most cases, because the entertainment industry is so fickle, it could be argued that any number of possibilities could have contributed to the cause and that it couldn’t have just been one. In sum, the researcher concluds that D e Palma’s flop at the box office with The Bonfire of the Vanities is entirely due to his own unsatisfactory directing. The director has never been nominated for an Academy Award, or for a Golden Globe, despite the fact that he has had unprecedented studio support, in that they allow for all of his failures. In assessing what made The Bonfire of the Vanities flop at the box office, it must be recognized that all of the necessary tools were available, the actors, storyline, studio support, even anticipation, but Brian De Palma just didn’t deliver.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Analyzing Othello Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Analyzing Othello - Essay Example Lago was careful enough to burn the match on both ends. He had taken both Othello and Cassio into complete confidence. He knew Othello was aware of his real battle skills and earned Cassio’s sincerity by offering him handkerchief. Lago very carefully made Othello feel that Cassio had conducted adultery with Desdemona. In such circumstances, whatever Desdemona had to say in her defense would not matter. Lago’s strategy was too wisely constructed and carefully practiced for Othello to escape. Therefore, it is irrational to call Othello unjust in his display of haste and violence towards Desdemona. On the other hand, Othello also did not trust whatever Lago told him unless he had a solid proof for that. Othello had been very angry with Lago for having uttered humiliating and disdainful remarks about his wife when Lago accused Desdemona to have made love with Cassio. Othello’s rage can be estimated from the fact that he had warned Lago that he would kill him if he di d not provide Othello with a solid proof about Desdemona and Cassio’s relationship. When Lago remained successful in providing Othello with a solid proof of his assertion, Othello can not be blamed for not having suspected Lago instead of Cassio. Works cited: Shakespear, William. Othello, the moor of Venice: A tragedy. London: J. Tonson. 1743, Print.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Consumer Behaviour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Consumer Behaviour - Essay Example Phil Kotler defines â€Å"Atmospherics† as â€Å"the effort to design buying environments to produce specific emotional effects in the buyer that enhance his or her purchase probability.† The majority of the American public is unaware that they are spending more or less time in stores, moving slower or faster through the aisles, and purchasing items that have no concrete value to them because their unconscious is being told to make decisions contrary to that which they desire. Atmospherics create an illusion that stores try to sustain throughout the consumer’s shopping experience. In â€Å"Marketing of the Mind†, the authors argue that people visit a mall solely for its disorientating effect; they call it a â€Å"vacation from the senses, much like drinking alcohol.† (Walsh, Brown. â€Å"Media Literacy for the Unconscious Mind†. The Journal of New Media & Culture. Winter 2002, Vol.1, No.1). Storeowners attempt to influence consumers by creating an innovative store layout. Victor Gruen is accredited with conceiving an ideal environment for a shopping mall. Departmental stores, which were the main impetus to go to malls, are placed at opposite ends of the interior walkway – the logic being that consumers must pass all of the smaller shops when traversing between them. Along with climatic control, a lack of clocks, and centrally controlled lighting, the consumer loses all sense of direction, time of day and duration of his or her stay; the consumer’s eye literally becomes glazed over, and he or she loses the ability to make economically realistic decisions. Parking is often located underneath the store’s premises, so consumers cannot determine where in the store they are making their entrance, which adds to their disorientation. The shopping environment is thus transformed from a relatively neutral place to one that harbors numerous stimuli that urge

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Leading an Engineering Project Team Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Leading an Engineering Project Team - Essay Example The skill to motivate is an essential component of that. A personal leadership experience is used in this essay to discuss the various components of leadership (e.g. communication, rational thinking, leadership styles, etc.) that are integral to leading project teams. Leadership and Communication The author has recently been assigned to an engineering project in Dubai as an electrical supervisor. He belongs to a team of contractor whose job was to assemble and commission an 800-ton crane project. One of his responsibilities as an electrical supervisor is getting the electrical works done from shipyard supervisors and electricians through efficient communication. Since the workers who carry out the tasks of the project usually have almost all the information, managers must gain their opinions or feedback to enhance decision making, confidence, efficiency, processes, and, eventually, organisational productivity, strength, and sustainability. As mentioned by Walker (2010), upward commun ication â€Å"has to be constantly fostered and reinforced, so that people see it’s something that’s valued† (p. 98). Project leaders must evaluate the formal communication system to determine where there are problems in communication that could detrimentally impact the organisation’s general wellbeing. ... Some of the members feel anxious when talking to their supervisors. In order to resolve such issues, employees must be persuaded to assess and understand both procedures and outcomes. Self-evaluation and feedback from other members of the team and supervisors would be very useful (Bass & Bass 2009, 313). It must be stressed to the members that an attention to abilities is the integral component of enhancing communication with their supervisors. Successful outcomes rely on the skills of the members of the team. Everybody recognises the need for managers to possess the abilities to communicate with employees. Yet, many employees ignore the value of abilities when communicating with their manager. Since the engineering project is big but fairly simple, the traditional communication approach may be useful. This model is highly applicable to teams working with a project supervisor. Downward communication is simple and fast. But upward communication could provide more benefits to projects composed of only a few teams (Bass & Bass 2009, 453). The decision-making process could be hastened by the electrical supervisor provided that the other members of the team are ‘properly behaved.’ An upward communication strategy could be used by the electrical supervisor to the project’s advantage since he and the other members of the team were all from the same country, sharing a common language. Leading Successful Teams Project leadership has to be realistic and concentrate on performance outcomes. Even though project leaders still carry out numerous roles, such as making schedules of work activities, discussing work allocation, etc., they function more as mentors, guides, and coordinators. Project leaders

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Supprting and assessing learning in practice settings Essay

Supprting and assessing learning in practice settings - Essay Example My role as a preceptor is to ensure that Tom achieved the standards and competencies required in his new position, to act as a role model to him and facilitate him to gain knowledge and skills (Gopee 2008). In review of the various recommended best practices in Training of professional writers, there is a strong emphasis at present in personalisation. Even group experiential trainers note that a core priority in the training of clients is to prompt growth, hence tapping into potential talents and skill which lay dormant beneath the surface of every individual (Colley 2003, Gibbs 1988, and Gopee 2008). In every conflict within the workplace, there is an ethical solution. However, perhaps the biggest challenge for managers is the effect that decisions can make not only on the bottom line or the team, but in regard to their own reputation. Indeed, one critical mistake or mismanagement of a situation, and especially in response to team conflict where decision making is connected to the livelihood of others, can lead to the dissolution of an entire professional history, or at least temporarily so. According to Thill and Bovà ©e’s (2005) Excellence in Business Communications, gauging the mind-set of the people whom you work with is half the battle in resolving team conflict constructively. Mere assertion of authority is generally not enough to resolve destructive behaviors regarding a decision. In fact, as Thill & Bovà ©e argue, win-win strategies require managers to 1) express understanding; 2) make people aware of their resistance; 3) evaluate others’ objections fairl y; and 4) hold their own arguments until the other people are ready for them. Patience is not always easy in these situations, as managers may become side-tracked from thoroughly grappling with fundamental problems taking place within team dynamics, and in doing so, ethical and precise responses to challenges may go unmet, reduce morale,

Monday, July 22, 2019

Greek Mythology and Medea Essay Example for Free

Greek Mythology and Medea Essay Medea is a Greek tragedy which was written in 431 BC by the Greek philosopher Euripides. The story of Medea is one filled with anger, jealousy, and death. The main character, Medea, has to overcome the personal heartache of seeing her husband, Jason, marry another woman. The ensuing struggle she has with this notion is the focus of this play. In a very important scene, Medea hatches her plan to murder the princess, who is Jasons new bride, as well as Jason himself. She says that first, she will pretend to beg for Jasons forgiveness, and then she will have him bring the children back to the palace. At the palace, the children will present gifts to the princess from Medea. The gifts of a veil and bridal robe were covered with a poison that is designed to melt the skin from her body, as well as anyone who touched her. When the children give the gifts to the princess, she cannot resist putting them on immediately. After she put them on, the gifts begin to work as Medea had hoped. The skin begins to melt from her body and her hair begins to fall out. She also bursts into flames. Upon seeing this, a servant goes to fetch the king and Jason, and when he saw his daughter, King Creon collapses helplessly on the body, and as a result died from the same poisons. Jason returns to the place where Medea is staying and insists to see his children. But he is too late, as Medea has killed them as well. Her reasoning was that she hates Jason more than she loves her children. The sheer cruelty of this scene illustrates Euripides point that a clever woman with enough time to hatch a plan is a very dangerous woman indeed. It also proves that hell hat no fury like a woman scorned. Euripides was aiming to show, in my opinion, that when a woman is wronged in a manner such as this one, the man who has scorned her had better think twice about turning his back on the woman, especially if she is a clever one, as was Medea.

Compare and contrast Shakespeare Essay Example for Free

Compare and contrast Shakespeare Essay Both poets discuss the treatment of women within their world. In each case, they indicate their disgust with the way men behave. Shakespeares sonnet offers a mocking tone to the courtly gentlemen of his day whilst Zephanaiahs tone is more angry. Shakespeare writes to a strict ABAB rhyming pattern within the fourteen line sonnet structure. Benjamin Zephanaiah however does not stick to any sort of standard rhyming pattern and the poem is not written in a regular western structure, more so in a reggae rhythm. The effect Shakespeare obtains from this structure is one of a mordant tone. The audience of the time would have expected a poem of love like Bartholomew Griffins Fiddesa. The audience expects My mistress eyes to be described as on a level with the warm brightness of the sun, and are stunned to read nothing like the sun. This evidently gives an image of Shakespeare mocking Griffin and other poets that wrote love poems at the time. I think that Zephanaiah, however, is not writing in a regular western structure and rhythm because he wants to break convention. His poem is deeply rhythmic but he clearly avoids using Eurocentric rhyming patterns and structures. This encapsulates an angry atmosphere to the poem. The reggae rhythm is often used to attack western culture. The Caribbean culture used the reggae rhythm to speak out in times of despair when Negroes were persecuted. Reggae has a distinctive sound, which originates from the West Indies. Zephanaiah writes put de judge in the grave,. The word grave is a very strong word. He is almost suggesting the judge should be killed. When he says, judge I do not think he is only referring to the judges of these so called Miss World beauty pageants but anybody that is judgemental in this way. Every person on the planet has judged somebody at some time in his or her lives, so does everybody deserve to die? It becomes apparent that Zephanaiah is also unhappy with other types of persecutions, namely racism. Zephanaiah makes several references to slavery and how his sister dont want to go to the market to be viewed like a slave and be viewed like her ancestors were, like second class citizens. He carefully intertwines womanhood and slavery. He is clearly referring to women that have been forced to become prostitutes in the red light districts of the world. Zephanaiah shows his rage to these activities as well as his disgust with how some people feel that women are tradable. Both poems use non-comparisons. Shakespeare say his mistress eyes are nothing like the sun; and that no such roses see I in her cheeks;. Shakespeare clearly mocks the love poets of the era; for example in the poem Fidessa by Bartholomew Griffin his ladys eyes the brightest stars the heavens hold; Her cheeks, red roses, such as seld have been; Fidessa line 3 Benjamin Griffin wrote Fidessa in 1596. Sonnet 130 was written just thirteen years later in 1609. Fidessa is written in the style typical to the love poetry of the time. Shakespeare clearly detests this style of writing, so writes a poem to mock it. Shakespeares poem is written in a sarcastic manner. Zephanaiah, however, uses different types of non comparisons like her value is not prize money. She is priceless. Human souls are not designed for trading; a price cannot be put on a life. The difference in effect is a much angrier feeling to the more modern of the two poems. Neither one of the poems describes the female as a woman, lady or even wife. Shakespeare uses mistress. Mistress are associated with power and control; they are on a level with any male equivalents. Zephanaiah uses the word sister. Again he is trying to show the female as an equal to the male. In both poems this has the same effect; the female is treated in the same way as a man. Both poets are trying to give a certain amount of respect to women. Both poems feature the same basic themes of sexual discrimination, the only difference being the tone they are written in. Sonnet 130 is written to mock the poets of the time whilst Miss World is written in resentment and exasperation.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Motorcycle Diaries (2004) Summary and Analysis

The Motorcycle Diaries (2004) Summary and Analysis The Motorcycle Diaries, directed by Walter Salles traces an 8000-mile journey of two close friends, Ernesto Guevara de la Serna, who would become the iconic Marxist revolutionary Che Guevara and his friend, Alberto Granado. As they travel from Argentina to Peru by motorcycle, truck, raft and foot looking for adventure, they gain a new perspective of the world that they never expected to garner. As Ernesto and Alberto cross of thousands of miles across Latin America, from one country to another, the borders between each country vanish and the continent itself surfaces as a whole, one entity united. Ernesto, toward the end of the movie, poignantly makes his birthday speech before a toast, â€Å"This journey has only confirmed this belief, that the division of America into unstable and illusory nations is a complete fiction. We are one single mestizo race from Mexico to the Magellan Straits.† The extensive landscape scenes show an immense geographical diversity, from dense forests to snowy mountains to arid deserts to thick jungle, from the wild to the rural to the urban. Yet in each place, the two Argentinians feel connected to the people, to the land, and its history. On the journey, Che and Granado see poverty and oppression constantly haunting all across Latin America and lend a helping hand to the oppressed. They realise that the injustices and suffering of poor and powerless Latin Americans are not confined by frontiers but that they almost characterise the continent as a whole. The young men who were initially looking forward to a trip full of adventure and romance find lines of indigenous people on the mountain roads, homeless in their own land. They meet a peasant couple who has been forced onto the road and lost many friends because of their communist beliefs. Che enrages at a copper mining companys maltreatment of the workers who must beg for work in the brutal mines. During their visit to the ruins of the once splendid Inca city of Machu Picchu, the two comrades dolefully compare it to the vast slums of Lima in Peru established by the conquerors. While Granado dreams of a peaceful return to the glories of the past, Che muses on the power of guns and on how a civilisation of such magnificence and beauty could have been destroyed by the creators of such a polluted, decayed city of Lima and blurts out, â€Å"A revolution without guns? It will never work.† As the journey continues, Ernestos connection to people in need grows more and more tangible throughout the film. In Peru where Che and Granado volunteer for three weeks at the San Pablo leper colony, refuses to wear rubber gloves during his visit choosing instead to shake bare hands with startled leper inmates. There, Guevara sees both physically and metaphorically the division of society the staff live on the north side of a river, separated from the lepers living on the south. At the end of the journey and after his stay at the leper colony, Ches egalitarian, anti-authority beliefs grow in him and, at his birthday toast, puts much emphasis on a united Latin American identity that transcends the narrow-minded provincialism and the limited boundaries of nation and race. That night, Che makes his symbolic final journey when despite his asthma, he swims across the river that splits the two societies of the leper colony, spends the night in a leper shack, instead of in the cabins of t he doctors. It symbolises his adamant and fierce desire to bring justice and equality to the oppressed, to the society and to Latin America. These encounters with social injustice transform the way Guevara sees the world and allegedly motivates his later political activities as a revolutionary. And there is an urgent question posing itself before Che: on which side of the river is he going to spend all his life? Which side of the tracks? Che is challenged by all that he has seen. By the end of the journey, Che has undergone a conversion. â€Å"I think of things in different ways, something has changed in me.† The testimonies of the many downtrodden South Americans that he has encountered have inspired Che to begin his search for this solution.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Obesity an Escalating Problem Essay -- Health, Diseases

Recent research done by The National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) showed that more than 64% of the US adult population is overweight (BMI >25 and 30) (Obesity, 2008). This result has got people afraid of what would happen in the future if people don’t change their habits. An excessive storage of fat due to lack of physical activity and high calorie intake that often leads to other diseases is known as obesity. Obesity is an escalating problem, because people consume more calories and aren’t physically active; this could result in health problems, yet people can resolve this issue by consuming a healthy diet and regularly exercising, or consulting a doctor for medication or surgery if other solutions weren’t effective. People are consuming too many calories and aren’t physically active, because of changed lifestyles and technology advancement, in the last 20 years. Both adults and children pass a lot of time watching the television, playing video games and researching or chatting on the computer. These lifestyle changes encourage sedentary behavior. The U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention stated that in their study to calculate obesity across the nation. In 2010 â€Å"no state had a prevalence of obesity less than 20%† compared to a maximum of 15% to 19% in 15 to 20 states in 1994 (CDC, 2011). Physical inactivity and high calorie intake from processed food has made big changes to our health. Now days people don’t even cycle or walk to the grocery store, or at least walk to the nearest bus station to go to school or work. Every year people’s physical inactivity increases while our eating habit become worse. Children are also becoming obese at a very... ...artiatric surgery and gastric bypass are most effective. People can’t lose enough weight by just doing the surgery; they need to continue exercising a dieting to reach a healthy weight in one to two years. Side effects include nausea and nutrient deficiencies. Women can also have problems during pregnancy due to lack to nutrients, hence need to be more careful. Obesity can become easy to overcome if people are patient have the will power to keep going and lose weight to become healthy for themselves and the next generation. Overcoming obesity can take a lot of time depending upon a person ideal weight compared to their current weight. If people use these small tips and work their way to healthy lifestyle, the next generation will be healthier and less likely to become obese. All people need to do is work hard and give it time to reach their preferred body weight.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Essay --

Revised Bernice Bobs Her Hair F Scott Fitzgerald 3 February, 2014 Kaley Witwer A) As the title already tell the reader, Bernice is the protagonist. She can be very unappealing at times, most because she’s a really boring and predictable character especially when most of her conversations with others lead to talking about the weather, she is also very naive because she doesn’t understand why she is unpopular with people or why boys don’t like her. At the end other the story though we like her because she seeks revenge on her cousin and sticks to her word even though it turns into a disaster. Marjorie, the cousin, at first is looked at as an antagonist because she talks bad about Bernice behind her back (which Bernice overhears), but then she is seen as a foil because she helps Bernice learn the ways to become popular, only to then regret this decision and takes it upon herself to tell everyone that Bernice didn’t actually bob her hair like she said. She then becomes the antagonist again. This shows that Majorie is self-centered becaus e she doesn’t want Bernice to take the ‘limelight’...